According to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s homicide records, police brutality has caused at least 939 deaths in the state of California, and specifically in this country, since 2001. Almost all of those killed were men, about 80% were black or Latino, and more than 97% died due to being shot.

With such shocking statistics, it is worth wondering. What is police brutality? With such shocking statistics, it is worth wondering. What is police brutality? At the legal level, the terms excessive force and police brutality refer to a situation in which the police or another government official who is legally authorized to use force exceeds the minimum amount necessary to protect others or himself. The most common cases where this type of oppression occurs are when dealing with prisoners or arrests.

In excessive force cases, it is difficult but not impossible to show that the police officer exceeded the force acceptable under the law. The most common way to demonstrate the excessive force used against someone is to compare whether a reasonable person in that position would not have known that their actions violated clearly stated law. But what happens if a person suffers from this type of oppression? Compensation for the pain or suffering caused can be achieved by filing a civil rights complaint to obtain monetary or judicial compensation under Section 1983 of the United States Code. Again, we reiterate that these are complex cases, so it is ideal to have the support and legal experience of a lawyer knowledgeable about California law.

As we have seen in recent years, an exponential increase in police brutality has been made public, and our firm is committed to doing something about it. If you have been a victim of police brutality in any of its forms, the Law Offices of Gustavo Magaña are here to help you; We will do our best to fight for justice for you.

We invite you to call us to evaluate your case. Our phone number is (866) 550-1099.

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